Course Scheduling for Spring 2025 Course Scheduling for Spring 2025 Your informationName First Last Email Course DetailsCourse Number Capacity Course Name Undergraduate course categoryIf this is an undergraduate course, what official category would it belong to? Cultural Area Cultural Method/Theory Archaeology Area Archaeology Method/Theory Biological Applied Biological Method/Theory Note times you will ABSOLUTELY NOT be able to teach*Please note when you will NOT BE ABLE to teach, so we can find a suitable time slot for your course that works with these limits in mind. Single meeting?Does this course require a single meeting time each week? That is, does the course design require that it meets in a single, three-hour block? Yes No Preferred meeting time?If you answered yes, please provide your preferred meeting time: Additional sectionsDo you need a 511, 501, 522, 611, 660, 690 section for graduate students? Please specify. This information is required at the earliest. Sections cannot be easily added later due to new regulations.Does your course require a specific location on campus for class meetings?If you choose ‘No’ a room will be assigned to your course. Yes No If you answered YES, what room do you require? Number of associated Discussion or Lab Sections Number of seats in each section Days of the week that these sections CANNOT meet Δ