Graduate Student Annual Review Report & Faculty Evaluation
Every Spring Semester, all graduate students must fill out and submit a Graduate Report to the Faculty, in collaboration with their advisor and, especially in the case of Doctoral students, their Committee. The deadline is April 25th every year.
Graduate students must apply annually to be considered for a Graduate Assistantship in the Department of Anthropology, and for some limited positions through the Division of Biological Sciences. Failure to apply by the deadline will result in a loss of consideration. The deadline is December 1st every year.
Master’s Degree Program
Master’s students may apply for Candidacy after completing nine (9) hours of graduate coursework with a GPA of 3.5 or higher.
An approved Admission to Candidacy application does two things:
- Functions as a contract between you, the student, and the university, establishing the coursework (whether already taken or to be taken) required to graduate with a degree in their chosen program. Once the application has been submitted and approved, any later changes to the degree requirements for a program will not apply to the candidate.
- Officially establishes your Master’s Thesis Committee.
You must submit the application to the Graduate School no later than the last day of classes preceding the term in which you expect to graduate (see current deadline dates).
If, for any reason (e.g., class unavailability, etc.), a course listed on this application cannot be completed, OR your Committee membership changes, you must submit a Revised Admission to Candidacy form to the Graduate School.
This form is to be completed by the Master’s Committee, recording the result (Pass/Fail) of the graduate student’s defense of their Master’s thesis proposal in an oral examination.
Copies of the filled-out form should be distributed electronically to the student, to the student’s departmental file (via, the DGS (via, and all members of the Doctoral Committee.
Report of Final Examination of Thesis
(i.e., thesis defense outcome)
This form is to be completed by the Master’s Committee when the graduate student has defended the thesis in a final oral examination.
The Pass/Fail form is used to communicate the results of this final examination/defense of thesis from the student’s Committee to the Graduate School.
In the semester in which graduation is expected, the graduate student must submit the Pass/Fail form with the Graduate School or confirm with the Graduate School that the form was received by the academic department.
This form is used by Master’s candidates to receive final approval of their thesis by their Master’s Committee as a requirement for graduation.
This form is to delay the posting of your electronic thesis for one (1), three (3), or six (6) years (your choice) following the degree conferral date.
Along with your Admission to Candidacy or Graduate Certificate Course Verification, you must submit your Graduation Application online at MyUTK. Once logged in to MyUTK, find the “Academic Support” tab and select “Apply to Graduate.”
Doctoral Degree Program
Use this form to designate faculty members to serve on your Doctoral Committee. Note that some proposed members require a current CV before their approval by the Graduate School.
Should you need to revise an established Doctoral Committee, submit the Revise PhD Committee Form, with appropriate signatures and CVs, to the Graduate School.
Note: The Doctoral Committee must be approved by the Graduate School (via these forms) before applying for Admission to Candidacy.
PhD students may apply for Admission to Candidacy after meeting the following conditions:
- Completed the course requirements with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher.
- Passed the Comprehensive Examination.
- Officially established the doctoral committee with the Graduate School.
- Meet a UT “residence requirement” consisting of two (2) consecutive semesters of full-time enrollment (9+ credit hours) or three consecutive semesters of part-time enrollment (6+ credit hours). Note that Spring and Fall semesters within the same calendar year (e.g., Spring 2024 and Fall 2024) are not consecutive semesters, because “Summer” is considered to be an intervening semester.
PhD Candidacy represents a contract between a student and the university that establishes that the student fulfilled the coursework required to graduate with a PhD degree in Anthropology, and that any later changes to the program degree requirements will not apply to the Candidate.
If your Doctoral Committee membership changes, you must submit a Revised Admission to Candidacy form to the Graduate School, along with any requisite signatures and CVs.
This form is to be completed by the Doctoral Committee, recording the result (Pass/Fail) of the doctoral student’s Comprehensive Examination.
Copies of filled-out form should be distributed electronically to the student, to the student’s departmental file (via, the DGS (via, and all members of the Doctoral Committee.
This form is to be completed by the Doctoral Committee, with the result (Pass/Fail) of the graduate student defense their Doctoral Proposal in an oral examination.
Copies of the filled-out form should be distributed electronically to the student, to the student’s departmental file (via, the DGS (via, and all members of the Doctoral Committee.
Doctoral students should submit this form with the location, date, and time of the dissertation defense to the Graduate School, no later than one (1) week prior to the defense date.
This pass/fail is to be completed by the Doctoral Committee when the graduate student has defended the dissertation in a final oral examination, and submitted to the Graduate School.
This form is used by Doctoral candidates to receive final approval of their dissertation by their Committee, as a requirement for graduation.
This form is to delay the posting of your electronic dissertation for one (1), three (3), or six (6) years (your choice) following the degree conferral date.
Along with your Admission to Candidacy or Graduate Certificate Course Verification, you must submit your Graduation Application online at MyUTK. Once logged in to MyUTK, find the “Academic Support” tab and select “Apply to Graduate.”
NOTE: For other Graduate Forms not listed here, visit Forms Central at The Graduate School.