Prospective Undergraduate Student Information
The DDHR Concentration is available to undergraduates if they have declared the Anthropology major and taken the prerequisites of ANTH 110, 120, and 130 (or the honors equivalents, 117, 127 and 137).
Students should identify their intention to participate in the formal concentration as early as possible, and no later than the junior year. When a student has identified his or her interest, the procedure is as follows:
- Complete and submit a DDHR Application to the DDHR undergraduate concentration program
- Enroll in Anthropology 419 (Human Rights) in FALL semester
- Enroll in Anthropology 420 (Disasters) and Anthropology 489 (Forensic Science and Human Rights) in SPRING semester
- One additional elective course is required. Usually this requirement will be fulfilled automatically by a student’s completion of upper-division requirements for the major. Please contact for inquiries about current course offerings and petitionable courses.
Important note on enrollment in the core courses (419, 420, 489):
- DDHR core classes fill up quickly. The department will assist declared DDHR students to get into the core courses by reserving several seats or pre-enrolling students in the core courses.
- Students can only enroll in ANTH 489 if they have already taken ANTH 419 and by permission of Dr. Amy Mundorff (