Anthropology Master’s Program Ranked in Top 10
Anthropology Master’s Program Ranked in Top 10
The master’s degree program in anthropology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, has been named one of the top 10 in the country by College Factual.
The website ranked colleges and universities based on multiple factors, including educational resources, the caliber of the students, graduation rate, and even average salaries of graduates early in their careers.
“This ranking confirms what we already know: Our anthropology graduate program is among the very best in the discipline,” said Patrick Grzanka, division dean for social sciences in the UT College of Arts and Sciences. “Our exceptional faculty provide world-class training to our outstanding students, who are charting the future of anthropology.”
The Department of Anthropology holds an open house every October for prospective students to meet faculty and staff, speak with graduate students, and tour the state-of-the-art laboratories.
The Master of Arts program offers concentrations in anthropological archaeology, Mediterranean archaeology, biological anthropology, and cultural anthropology.
By Amy Beth Miller